A metaphor for ego. The hammer is not a penis metaphor, however.

Women taking the lead.

Not scary. Also not about your ego.


As guys we’re conditioned to be the ones who are in charge, in control, always making the first move, the first kiss, the first anything — all the way up to initiating sex.

But when a lady grabs you by the tie and whispers “Take your clothes off, I want you right now.”, some of you might recoil. Your manhood is under attack — this is all wrong, it’s your job to say that: you’re the Man!

It feels like pressure. Suddenly you’re expected to perform. The focus is now on you. You must carry the show, as it were.

And here’s the thing: you’re not. It’s not. You don’t have to.

It’s a signal that she’s really into you. Like, really into you. However, underneath, nothing’s changed. It’s still a game of two (or more, depending) players. She’s not expecting you to suddenly transform into Imeros himself and blow her clothes off with your laser dick.

What about your Manly Manhood?

What about it? Will your ego be totally destroyed by encountering a person who is just as in control of their sexuality as any other sentient being with a sense of agency? Probably not.

Like dating a woman who totally has her shit together and has her own life that isn’t solely defined by being your breasted satellite, a sexual partner who owns that shit and isn’t afraid to say what they want isn’t scary — it’s empowering.

It’s not about you.

As with everything that could possibly involve humans, none of this is set in stone. There are myriad sexual and romantic dynamics out there and your mileage may vary, but as a broad guideline, it’s pretty sound.




Amateur human. Internet exploder. Sometimes I think about things.