Unless you’re actively out to be a dick to someone and are therefore tailoring your actions to make sure they cause the maximum amount of pain, you can only be responsible for what you do, not how people react to it.
What do I mean?
If you know that leaving your pubes in the shower drives your partner into a rage and do it anyway, then you’re knowingly being an asshole and to some extent you’re responsible for their reaction. You knew it was going to happen and did it anyway.
However, if you’re doing your best — and nobody’s perfect — to avoid hurting someone by your words or actions, but still fuck up then this is where Kris’ piece comes in.
If you know you’ve fucked up and genuinely want to make things better than you need to take responsibility for whatever it was you did, accept that even though you might not have meant to upset someone, they’re upset. Suck up the fact that whatever thing you did upset someone, apologise wholeheartedly and try to learn from it.